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Small Talk of the Week
These 20 years earn $43 million in a year
Weshalb men penis images watch and how Demi Moore changes in the bath: the themes of the week for fun conversations.
Donald Duck has turned 90 – and is now the most brilliant biography in history: Fünf Kilo sorgsam printed Paper, 564 Seiten randvoll mit Skizzen, Filmfragmenten und Lobeshymnen. Von der Nebenfigur zur Jahrhundert-Ikone: Seit seinem Debut 1934 in «The Wise Little Hen» hat der cholerische Erpel all Rekorde gebrochen. No wonder, says Donald veteran and military leader Carl Barks: “Donald is one of us.” The Taschen-Verlag sees it – and offers an «Ultimative Chronik».
Daniel Kothenschulte (Hrsg.), David Gerstein and JB Kaufman: «Walt Disney’s Donald Duck. Die ultimative Chronik», Taschen, 2024. Das Buch ist auf Englisch und Französisch erhältlich, die deutsche Ausgabe ist ab dem 5. Dezember versügbar.
The large numbers of Löhne fly in the chef, in sports or women nor in Hollywood – so konnte man bisher meinen. There are some people who expect a white man: the only fans of the platform are an ort, to which millions of dollars are added. If you have the 20-year influence of Sophie Rain: you only earn fans, while women who sell Rain in their nacktheid make $43.4 million. As a Siege for this Zahl veröffentlichte Rain op X de Screenshot ersten Jahresabrechnung. On Instagram, Rain has a big relationship: fast fünf Millionen Follower. With Onlyfans it is worthwhile to complete the Bezahlung with a bekleidung awundern.
The first digital clock, Hamilton’s legendary Pulsar P1 with the rotten LED lighting, war 1972, the status symbol for all astronauts – and a luxury. With an astronomical price of approximately 4000 US dollars (approximately 27,000 Francs), the fortschritt is feiern. Nun brought back Hamilton, the longest part of the Swatch Group, the iconic Uhr as PSR 74. Larger, more modern – and more elegant: The noble steel version costs 750 francs.
Demi Moore (62) is enjoying her comeback in «Substance». In the new series “Landman”, eleven stories from the Texas saga, which go through the interpretation of the Cami role, the ehefrau an oil mogul, for education – so everything is with a single flight into the black baths in the swimming pool. Answers: kaum Dialogue, kaum Screentime. The US Magazine “People” was hit: “Was for a change.”
Während ich in Frankreich und Österreich digital Auszeiten offenbar longest etabliert haben, bleiben vale Schweizerinnen and Schweizer heartnäckig online. Gemäss een Galaxus-Umfrage gönnen sich four van zehn Schweizerinnen und Schweizern niemals een Pause vom digitalen Leben. Specials young people set here in a funkstille – different from the Ü45 generation, both of these images are always one-size-fits-all. Interesting: In France and Austria there are a number of bewives. Look at the Schweizer in your WLAN terminal in the Ferien Schicken.
Owned by a charming idea: the SBB ReMake Notizbuch turns the extraction into individual Schreibwaren-Unikate. Jedes Stück has its own History and authentic Gebrauchsspoor. Since the Plakat comes from Bern, Zurich or Chur, there is no additional information. The idea is nachhaltig, the new style – and the notebook is now in the limited edition in the SBB Shop. Einziges Manko? The price: With 34 Franks is the Notizbuch überaus exclusive; Vergleichbare Modelle bekannter Marken is half price.
It was more spectacular when Boxkampf played against Regina Halmich in the September heat Stefan Raab (58) argued with the TV stage not yet possible. But after a respectable Anfangserfolg laufen Raab and seiner new Show «You won here not die Million» the Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauer davon. 800’000 people are the first Show, the zehnte Ausgabe von “So gained here nicht die Million” wollen gerade nor 200’000 anschauen. It seems that after the Boxkampf, Raab is now on the Quotenkampf.
The «Nordic Digital Rights and Equality Foundation» has launched an investigation in Scandinavia, a background of cyberflashing – the unfragmented versions of penisbildern – being used. While Thordis Elva explores for the best results, you can view images or record sexual contacts with the beginning. You can express your actions as ‘harmlosen Flirt’. «Viele dieser Manner sind pornogeschädigt and have a verdrehte If you know that your sexual intercourse is solen, Elva explains. Anyway, the photos and the most recent Frauen gleichzeitig versschickt, one of your manlichkeit zu demonstrate.
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